April 2005:

The rules: everyone taking part of the challenge, got a pair who was to send them
five pieces of "rubbish" (excluding leftover food and other things icky, it could
really be pretty much anything that might have some miniature potential). The
recipient then has the summer of 2005 to come up with one or more miniatures using
these pieces as materials - other materials could be added, too, but the original
rubbish should somehow be visible in the project.
Above and below, you'll see the materials I got from Leena. The empty powder
container really gave me ideas! (I won't say more until I've photos to show..
I'm keen to get started with this, though, so you won't need to wait for ages)
The rest seem like various bits and pieces of different food or cosmetic packages.
I don't even know exactly what they've belonged to, originally! I'm relieved to
say that I already have at least some ideas for all of these parts.

Below, probably something for the doll kids and something for the living room..

Something for the bedroom, maybe..

And something in a bigger scale, for the fashion dolls..

In the next few pictures, some extra stuff Leena sent!

Above, I don't know what this is for, originally, but it has all kinds of mini
potential. Straws, decoration for doll clothing, etc..

Some nice white ribbon - lovely surprise as I didn't have any thin white ribbon!
It's nice to have something else than the Christmassy ribbons I've saved from
Christmas pressies!

Plant material - very welcome!! I'm not really into making miniature plants from
scratch, so these will be such a great help.

More plant material..

And some misc. bits and pieces (I think one paper clip is missing from the pictures
as I found it on the floor later on, and if I remember right, it was in red and

The same stuff, turned.
As I'm writing this, I have yet to send my five bits of rubbish to JJ, which I'll do
this coming week. I already have three of them, but I'm undecided about the last two
pieces. I will post pictures of those as well, when JJ has received them. (I don't
want to ruin the "junk mail surprise")
January 2006:
Well, the rubbish challenge is long gone, but as I hadn't updated my site for months,
I'm only adding to this now! So, here's what I sent to JJ:

The whole lot.. Now that the challenge is over, I can also mention my own ideas for
these materials.

On top, Cadbury's hot chocolate lid. On bottom, plastic "pizza table" (as used by some
pizza delivery places, to keep the lid off the toppings).
For the lid, I didn't really have any obvious ideas, except maybe a little pool
for kids to play in. For the table, my only alternative idea was the office chair
(see the DIY menu), but I was curious to see if JJ could come up with something else.

On top, a cork from a red wine bottle. On bottom, a cap from a mini whiskey bottle.
(I have a problem with alcohol, you see.. I don't get enough of it!)
For the cork, my only idea was to make a keg or something, and for the cap, I was
thinking maybe a wall clock for the kitchen..

Cardboard part from a perfume box. See the next picture/s as well..

My idea for this part was to make two garden chairs - the shape was there already,
so I'd have only cut them apart and painted them green or white.

Just some mini photos I included (not a part of the challenge).
And what did we all make?? - You'll have to wait for a bit longer to see
what JJ made as I'll have to ask JJ if I can use her pictures of things she made.
Here's what I made, though:

I made a bowl of strawberries, using one of the plastic parts from my challenge
materials, some of that green stuff Leena sent as well, and some red beads.

A fashion doll scale (1:6) grill, using an empty powder container, some canvas,
some rubber bits, etc..

A close-up of the grill..

A toy boat.