Our Finnish dollhouse group had a swap for vanity table accessories in January 2004.
I imagined that there might be lots of make-up / perfumes / *etc* coming, and tried
to think of something that would Hopefully be the only one of its kind - I decided
to make little potpourri bags.

Our neighbours recently got rid of this old dry flower arrangement, so I grabbed
it for material! (This is going to last for loads of projects!!)

I started with some pale pink potpourri bags..

Each bag has one silk paper "rose" (lower left corner), and bits from different
dried flowers.. I cut them all into really small bits, and cut some thread and
silk paper for colour details as well.

Really small bits of silk paper..

Some green bags there as well.. For the actual bags, I used pieces of clear
oven bags!

The blue bags have some brighter colours inside..

Middle green bags.. (You've probably already figured out that by the colour,
I'm referring to the "ribbon".. LOL)

Pale green bags..

Dark green bags..

Dark pink bags..

Pale pink bags..

The whole lot!

Another pic..

OK, now I'm just getting artsy.. LOL

Aaaand from the other side..

Don't worry, I'm almost done here..

I just wanted to make sure I'd have pictures of them all, since I have a feeling
it'll be a while until I make more of these..

Only two smaller selection pictures to go.. I promise..

One of each colour..

The same, with a matchstick for scale..

We usually send some little extra pressie for the person who organises the swap,
so this is what Renée got from me: two "face cream" jars, and a teddy bear dish/mold.