So far, I've made all my clay items of just one colour, and painted them with acrylic colours after baking. This was mainly because I couldn't afford to get all different colours of clay, and I thought it was kind of nice as well, since using just one colour of clay meant I wouldn't be wasting any clay if I happened to make a mess of mixing the colours.. However, now that I had some money to spend on materials and such, I thought I'd try the more "traditional" way of using FIMO, and actually mixing the colours to avoid having to paint the items. I got a nice spread of base colours (see my Mini Diary for more..), and found that mixing colours wasn't nearly as difficult as I had imagined. I think I'm hooked... Here are some pictures of my first lot:
©Stella Stenroos 2003
A pizza with a slice cut out, and cream slices before baking. (The hands in the back are old doll parts which have been waiting for baking for months..)
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Chips, raw and fried rashers before baking..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Fried rashers before baking..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
And both raw and fried rashers..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Chips, sausages, and cream slices..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
And some fried eggs..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Pizza close-up..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Old mini-doll that was waiting to be baked..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
The whole lot before baking..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Woohoo! This time our gas oven didn't kill the stuff!
©Stella Stenroos 2003
The chips are not really the colour I wanted, but I got bored mixing that colour and thought they were close enough.. LOL I'll try to get a closer colour next time..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
This'll make a nice little breakfast once I add some glossy finish and stuff..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Clear nail polish added.. (NOTE: I've heard that nail polish can eventually cause the clay to soften and go all sticky on the surface, so I don't recommend nail polish as clay varnish to anyone else. I just used it, because the shops didn't have any proper varnish for FIMO items, and I was too impatient to wait! LOL ... I've also heard that you can make matt varnish by watering down some PVA glue, and brushing it on the items - I haven't tried that yet.)
©Stella Stenroos 2003
The first items of my next lot.. Tiny hamburgers and cheddar before baking.. (NOTE: These are NOT McDonald's burgers as I don't like that chain, and would never support them in any way)
©Stella Stenroos 2003
My marsipan and chocolate coated cheese cake before slicing and baking... I almost didn't have the heart to slice it, but then no one would have seen the cheese cake colour inside! LOL
©Stella Stenroos 2003
The whole lot before baking..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Chocolate bars, chocolates and toffees, cakes..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
More cakes, etc.. The green blob in the back is a cabbage leaf, which I made just because I had a little bit of mixed green left, and I didn't want to leave it..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
One of my tiny burgers after baking.. I think it's kind of cute..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Another angle.. I'm quite happy with the lettuce!
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Here's everything after baking!
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Blueberry tart before slicing..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Chocolate bars, raspberry slices, and blueberry tart slices on their way to the oven..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Two smaller tarts, ketchup bottle, and ice cream..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Blueberry tart and raspberry slices finished with nailpolish.
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Chocolate bars, some wrapped, some unwrapped..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Seven swappers will get this kind of goodie set..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
And the other seven will get this set..


I took part in a "decorative item" swap, in one of the Finnish groups, and although there were so many possibilities, I found it really hard to think of something that wouldn't take ages to make (I had to make 16 items for the swap). Eventually, I decided to make a candleholder with a candle, since that should go with both modern and historical style dollhouses - I did use pretty wild colours, but it shouldn't be too difficult to paint the candleholders if someone wants theirs in a different colour.
©Stella Stenroos 2003
The candleholders..
©Stella Stenroos 2003
A close-up.
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Painted balsawood candles, with black thread wick.
©Stella Stenroos 2003
I finished the tops with PVA glue, to get that "waxy" look around the wick..

©Stella Stenroos 2003