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This is an extremely easy and quick way to make Christmas decorations for your dollhouse - and nothing's stopping you from using it for doll birthdays *etc* as well. You only need some thread, a few slips of white paper (or printable flags), a paper glue stick, and colouring pens (unless you are using flag print-outs).

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Cut as many slips of paper as you want flags - and remember that since you will be bending these slips in half to glue them together, they need to be twice the length of a flag.
©Stella Stenroos 2003
Here's how to bend the flags and glue them together using paper glue stick (other types of glue might wrinkle the paper).
©Stella Stenroos 2003
I used colouring pens to make Finnish and Irish flags - you can make any flags you like! Try also theme pictures if your doll is having a birthday party or some other special occasion.. For example, you can make hearts for Valentine's Day, etc..

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©Stella Stenroos 2003