For some time, I've been thinking about bright red and gold together.. So, when I found an old gift package that was on its way to the bin, I quickly saved it and started making a little shop roombox of it, painting the interior bright red and adding golden details! And as soon as I had finished painting the interior, I happened to see "Home Front" on the telly, and they visited some buddhist temple in UK, where nearly everything was red and gold! It looked even better than my mental images (lol), so I think once I'm done with this roombox, I'm going to make something bigger with those colours as well..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
This is the package before any work was done..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Pink ribbon and a little rose card..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
More potentially useful material..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Tadaa: one big window and a door!

©Stella Stenroos 2003
I opened the box and painted the interior red.

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Clear plastic window - drying the glue..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
It'll look something like this..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
I painted the door dark green and added a window.

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Mock Chinese dragon art by Stello - LOL

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Very hard to get a good picture of it!

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Choc ice stick in gold, see the glow.. (Shop shelf)

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Invisible dragon! It'd need a light hit..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Working on a shop counter, I'll paint it golden..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
One painted counter..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Glued in its place in the shop..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
It will look something like this..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Cash register size test (still a bit dodgy..)

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Close-ups of the nightlight cash register

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Gold paint and wire decoration added..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Ready to go to the shop!

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Glued in its final place

©Stella Stenroos 2003
I made a fan of match sticks and silk paper.

©Stella Stenroos 2003
The back side..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
See, it even works! LOL

©Stella Stenroos 2003
Size comparison, HUGE fingernail! :-P

©Stella Stenroos 2003
The back side again..

©Stella Stenroos 2003
It will be somewhere in the shop..

©Stella Stenroos 2003