There are miscellaneous FIMO projects on this page, so
scroll down to find the project you are looking for. So far you can find
pictures of my shower, my doll parts, bonsai tree, toothbrush, telephone,
and... |
telephone: My poor dollies have been dying to gossip, so it was
about time to give them a telephone. I made the phone and receiver of
FIMO, and the cable of metal wire, which I curled by wrapping it tightly
around a round metal stick, then pulling it out - tadaa: one curly piece
of wire! I pushed one end of the wire into the phone, and another end into
the receiver (before baking, of course!) This (below) is how the phone
will eventually look (and I'll paint it as well), but I'm going to bake it
as it appears in the first picture (above), because that way my dolls can
actually 'use' the phone, heh..
 Below: I made the rather old-fashioned dialler by lightly
pressing a round mark on the FIMO, using the cap of my scalpel. I then
made the 'finger holes' with the tip of a pencil, and finally added a
little bit of FIMO:
 Close-up of the receiver:
 Some of you may have
noticed that there are actually just nine numbers on my phone (instead of
ten, like on a real phone, with 0 included), but I think it wouldn't have
looked as good if I had forced them all in, they'd have been too close to
each other. And I don't really think my dollies will complain!
 Mini bonsai
tree: I made a bonsai shape of metal wire and foil, and then I
thinly covered it all with FIMO.
 And here's the same tree after being baked and painted. Next
I'm going to add paper leaves.
Shower for the dollhouse: I have a clear
plastic shower cubicle in my dollhouse, but it's missing a shower! So, I
took some metal wire and foil, and made a shower shape of them:
 I then covered the shower
with FIMO:
 Another close-up:
 If baking goes alright, I'm planning to paint the shower and
glue it in the back of the shower cubicle. I don't have any silver paint,
so I may use gold paint instead.. Posh shower like! |
My first (home made) dollhouse doll: I have
done a few dolls before (in the past), but never in 1:12 scale. I wanted
to have a go, though, so I asked Daniel to bring me some skin coloured
(43) FIMO. I usually enjoy trying to make things my own way, rather than
following someone else's instructions, so here are my first attempts, a
head, feet and hands:
 I know the neck is a bit
'fat', but it will be covered with hair anyway, so I don't mind. Maybe if
the doll turns out fine, I'll try again and pay a bit more attention to
shapes and such! Here's a close-up of the head:
 And close-up of the hands and feet:
 NOTE: There is a separate doll page for more about
this project, I decided to make birthday dolls for my parents... See
here |
Mini toothbrush: This is nothing special,
really. I was just playing with some FIMO and wondering what else to make
for the bathroom in my dollhouse - I made a toothbrush. Apparently, the
dollhouse family will share this one toothbrush! *yuck*

: Children and those who may be browsing this site with
children should not scroll any further down on this particular page,
because the next pictures are not really suitable viewing for children. I
don't personally think they will traumatise anyone, but at least you have
been warned..
[and the same in Finnish]
V A R O I T U S : Lasten, tai
lasten kanssa surffailevien, ei pitaisi skrollata tällä sivulla yhtään
alemmas, koska seuraavat kuvat eivät oikein sovi lasten silmille. Henk.
koht. en usko, että niistä nyt on mitään sen suurempaa haittaa, mutta
olenpahan varoittanut..
Mini adult toy: I have a "fem toy" in The Sims,
so naturally my dollhouse residents became green of envy, and wanted one
as well! So.. let me present.. a FIMO adult toy:
 You'd have to be 1:12 to get any joy out of this one..
