I've received some lovely miniature gifts by post. You can see pictures
of them on this page! Big thanks to everyone who's sent them =)
2004 note:
See also my MINI DIARY, for photos of many other
mini pressies I've gotten since starting this site. You will get a submenu with a brief
intro of the contents of each Mini Diary page. |

Tarja sent me this beautiful framed portrait.

Eh-oh! Satu sent a lovely Po card, and....
| tools for clay use! (Much appreciated!!)

...and a film jar full of lovely flowers!

...AND... condoms for me dollies!! LOL

The French chef seems to have used plenty last night...

But wait, there's more in the master bedroom...

Christmas pressie 2002 (I know.. wrong keys!!)

Same piano and two mini Santas!

Barbie size Tupperware stuff!

My friend Hanna made me the two lovely pigs above!

Leena from the Finnish mini group sent me this cute mat she had made!

Dorrottka from Poland had sent me this beautiful double bed, which was waiting
for me when we came back from Finland!

'Cat Freaks' mini book I got from my mam

Mini poster (fridge magnet) I got from mam as well

One of two mini disco balls, from mam too

A plant and a tart I got from Taina. (Kiitos, Taina!)
The next pictures are of miniatures I got from Marian,
who is a member of the roomboxes Yahoo group. She sent these lovely minis
from Canada, and we nearly thought that the package had gone missing in
the post, because it took over a month until I finally got it! But it did
arrive, and having only been expecting a crib, I was amazed to find much
more than that, in the package! See for yourself: |

ALL this was in the package! (Thanks Marian!)

Slippers, roses, cute little shoes..

Slippers, crocheted doilies (the Detail of them!!)

And the beautiful little crib. I love it!