6 July, 2004:
Still working on the dollhouse revamp..!
I got some nice mail today - two new sand samples, one from Turkey, and one from
Australia, both posted from Finland. (More sand details here)

Tarja sent me this sand she'd brought from Kemer, Turkey (see above). It was well
packed, in a plastic tube (below), but unfortunately the tube had cracked in the post, so
some of the sand had gotten out. It was still all in the envelope.

I kept the plastic cap as it can make a nice little flower pot, but I threw away
the other bits of the tube.

The sand wasn't all - Tarja also sent me a Turkish woven bookmark, which makes
a beautiful long rug for my dollhouse! Also, there was a copy of Turkish carpet
designs, with their meanings, and a lovely card from Tarja.

The bookmark rug.

Close-up of the pattern.

Another close-up..

And one more close-up.
Finnish bit:
Paljon kiitoksia, Tarja!! =)
We've also had another swap, in the Finnish group, so here's some new photos.

A portable CD player I made for the swap hostess..

And some of the mobile phones I made for the actual swap.. (I know.. old model..
I gave my mobile phone away back in 1997, and haven't really even seen any since,
so I don't know what they look like nowadays)

Some carrots I made for a Finnish group project.
PS, See the new DIY page, here.. |
8 June, 2004:
I've been neglecting my mini site lately, for various reasons. One of them is that
I finally bought a better digital camera (Nikon Coolpix 5700), so from now on, any
not-so-good photos are my fault only! I've made a new photo gallery site:
Stello Pix. There are
ten different thumbnail categories, and you'll also find some miniature photos
there, in 640x480 size (larger than the photos on this site). The categories are:
I have actually taken photos for some new DIY pages, only I haven't made those
pages yet. There will be instructions on how to make a cheap and easy shower
cubicle for a dollhouse, and how to make some pet related items (the ones I made
for our recent pet swap, in the Finnish group).
My dollhouse is still being revamped - you'll find photos of it on my
dollhouse site,
more will be posted every now and then.. I'm also finishing a new doll, the chef
will have an exotic girlfriend!
Here's two pics of the pet swap stuff:

Items wrapped..

And here's what everyone sent: Brita sent a lovely pet bed, with a ginger cat (top left),
I sent four FIMO items - food bowl, dog collar, blue ball, and an "accident #2" (top middle),
Marjukka sent two felted balls, one of which rattles! (below my items), Henna sent a cat
food bowl and little cards with punched cat and dog shapes, which can be used as
a stencil or for making little cards (top right). Nötte sent a cute dog bed (middle left),
Jonna sent a lovely little bunny (middle x 2), Sanna sent a cat bed, a printable cat
food box, and a funny "mouse on a stick" toy (middle/bottom right), Sari sent a blue
food bowl and a juicy bone (bottom left), and Saija sent two pet brushes, with
the brush parts made of velcro! (bottom middle)
Finnish bit:
Lemmikki-swapista tuli todella kivoja juttuja, kiitokset kaikille osanottajille!
Nukkekodin remontti on vielä niin varhaisessa vaiheessa, että ehdin kivasti
suunnitella kaikelle sijoituspaikatkin.