1 April, 2004:
I put some new stuff I got from Brita (scroll down to see yesterday's entry), to
my dollhouse, and took a few photos:

Learning to spell (early start, eh!!)

Tablecloth waiting for a bigger table..

Some alcohol on the living room table.. Someone has also bought three flower
pots, to plant something, and someone has left a pink briefcase on the floor..

The white Persian is the only pet who's allowed to go on the sofa..

The puppies are hoping to get some treats..

Chef has gotten lots of new stuff again!

Here's something Daniel brought to me, from his late aunt's house. I had never
even heard of this stuff, I wonder if they make it anymore..?

Can't wait to try if it still works..
I also worked on my first 1:6 (fashion doll scale) roombox last night. I'm using
a big cardboard box for it, so it's not going to be that permanent, but I'll still
try to make it look OK. I've painted the walls, done the floor, found a jukebox for
it, and there's the sofa I'd made earlier - the dolls already wanted to pose for
some photos, even though the box is not finished yet!
* * * See the photos here * * * |
31 March, 2004:
I received a treasure parcel from Brita today - it was like getting two or three
years worth swap materials in one go (only without actually taking part in a swap,
so she'll be joining my ever-growing "revenge parcel list", which is not nearly
as bad as it sounds like! heh).

A parcel of roses.. The pattern, I mean!

Ooohhhh, what have we here...

Contents of one bag - close-ups to follow..

A gorgeous buckle, which will be a fantastic dollhouse picture frame.. I might
use it to make a FIMO mold first, so I can create more such frames in the future.
And another beautiful mini frame.. I'm not sure what's the original purpose of
the teddy bears, but they will make lovely art for a dollhouse nursery.

I don't know where Brita has found these gold and silver "hooks", but they give
me all kinds of decorative miniature ideas.. I love the shape of those wooden
beads, and there were a couple of those golden stars, too.

There was a whole bag of lovely gems, which look like the glassy costume jewellery
type! They are so beautiful.. Also, I really like those wooden beads that look like
two tiny pyramids glued against each other, and one of them WILL make a little
pyramid souvenir, for sure! I'm interested in the Ancient Egypt, and also in
other pyramids, so maybe one of my dolls will be a little archaeologist or
something.. The blue wooden beads are lovely, too!

There's a round brownish red bead, which looks to me like it could be a
rubber ball in the dollhouse (I think I used to have a similar looking rubber
ball in my childhood), and the two wooden parts are asking to become little
dolls for my dollhouse children.. The smoky pink beads could become perfume
bottles, or glasses even..

Look at this treasure! Those rectangular beads might even be gold bars, in case
I make a jeweller's shop, or if one of my dolls just happens to be loaded for
one reason or another.. Then there are some flower and bottle shaped beads, and
giant pearls..

The contents of another bag..

Cute little key, and lots of red felt hearts.. Nice pink ribbon..

A whole bag of tiny golden yellow beads! Some lace ribbon with white and pink details..

Four glossy Mickey Mouse stickers, which will be nice nursery art as well.. Also,
some decorative golden leaves, which could be glued on the wall, around a decorative
pillar, or maybe even on some "antique" furniture.

I think I remember our Finnish mini group members talking about this material.
It's not actually lace, although it looks like it, and almost even feels like it!
Anyway, for the dollhouse, it will make a lovely little lace table cloth.

Four different colours of very thin (silk?) threads, lots of white ribbon
bows, and many yellow felt duck shapes.

Three tubes of doll hair, all different colours! My, my.. I'm going to have to
make some more dolls now! =D

I think this is the canvas stuff our mini group members have been talking about!
They've done all kinds of lovely things of this stuff, so I'm gonna browse some
of their pictures again, to get some ideas =)

Loads more blue plates (Pinja had sent me a good bunch of these already, so
these will go nicely with them), two melons (?) - I actually held these on the
breast height earlier on, and asked Daniel if he likes my new melons, lol -
kitchen utensils, and THREE bottles of Finlandia vodka for my dollies!!! Oh,
I'm SO happy about these bottles! One's regular vodka, one's pineapple, and
one's cranberry - Finlandia cranberry is actually my favourite.. *yum*

Three brushes - much appreciated as I don't really have these middle sizes at
all! Mine are mainly very fine or very thick.

Letter beads which will look lovely on the nursery floor!

Three very cute flower pots! I love these, I only had one before, and I haven't
seen these in our local shops.

A bag full of round pieces of cork - appreciated by my French chef =)

And here: Aren't my new dollhouse pets CUTE?!?

I don't really know dog breeds that well, but this little one looks like
a Springer Spaniel puppy, perhaps?

A Terrier puppy, maybe?

This cat has too much authority to be a kitten, so she'll just be a bit
smaller in size. I'm tempted to mention her name, but I'll wait for a bit
as I might change my mind yet.. =)

I got eight of these microscope slides, which are extremely welcome! One had
a broken corner, but it will be useful, too - I love realism in the dollhouse, so
they might as well have something broken, too!

Tiny red briefcase =)

The whole idea was to swap a full set of Euro coins, but Brita had e-mailed me
that she'd send some mini stuff with the Finnish set - even so, I would never
have expected THIS much!!

She had sent some chocolate Euro coins, too! They're too cute to eat!

There was a nice teddy bear card..

On the other side of the card, four little dollhouse stickers - maybe photos
from Brita's own dollhouses?

Lovely moomin stamps..

More Finnish stamps =)
Tuhannet kiitokset ihanasta ylläristä, Brita!! |
15 March, 2004:
Eek, I hadn't updated my mini site for a month!! *gasp*
Not to worry, though.. I haven't forgotten my dear miniatures, I've just been
"busy" in another scale, for a change! My Jewel Hair Mermaid Teresa Barbie
(who has been through two mega makeovers in the last few years) was feeling
lonely, so I got her some new friends:

From top left: Barbie California Girl 'Christie' and 'Ken', and on the sofa (which
I made last night, btw!): My Scene 'Barbie' and 'River' (holding 'Fifi' the dog.. I
dunno if the dog has an official name, I named her Fifi!), and my old Teresa..
As there are no other new pictures on THIS site, I'm going to mention some links
to pages I've made of my fashion doll photos in the last few days:
Shopping - Friends for my Barbie
Some photos from our local toy store (what kind of fashion dolls are
available in Bray), and photos of Christie and Ken in original AND new
Shopping - More friends for my Barbie
Daniel made my day, by going back and buying the My Scene car that came with
two dolls (Barbie and River) and a dog.. It was a total surprise!
Barbie & My Scene - car.. new clothes..
Everyone test driving the new car, changing clothes, etc.. I also made
some new clothes..
Finnish Romany outfit for my old Barbie
My granny used to make these traditional Finnish gypsy outfits in 1:1 size,
so I always wanted to make one in miniature.. My Barbie got it =)
More new sofa photos, and Ken..
(Mainly) My Scene dolls testing the new sofa.. And Ken with his new
disco top!
I'm working on a 1:6 scale roombox/scene, for my fashion dolls to
hang out.. Also, we're having a scrap challenge in a Finnish group
(in 1:12 scale), so I'll be back to my usual scale soon, too. |