MY MINI DIARY, page 4 |
28 June, 2003: I made a half of that planned
new monster-house as a printie - it was a b*stard to make, with the
balconies and all.. Here's a few pictures I took when checking the size:
 WHO would want to build
something like that! Ugly..
 We'd all be on display in our gardens..
 Another half left to build..
 Then I'll finish ground painting & landscaping.. The
rainbow felt I got from Marie, was great for the hedges! I'm probably
going to try and make some bushes and trees of the pom poms she sent, but
failing that, I'll just use layers of green felt instead. |
25 June, 2003: I've been doing a spontaneous
new project over last night.. For background information: They are hoping
to build new 5-storey luxury apartment buildings next to the area where we
live, and we're not happy about the plan as something that high would not
fit in this town at all, and it would basically mean that our neighbours
could say goodbye to all sun in their back gardens.. (We wouldn't be as
unlucky, since there would only be a green area right behind our house)
Anyway, more about that stuff here, in case somebody is interested.. But now to my
project! I thought I'd build a model of the planned new "WTC towers",
so we can actually see how they'd appear like, and how big their shadow
would be.. I had taken some pictures of our house, and since all houses in
this area look more or less identical, it was easy to make tiny printable
houses by using those photos.. I had drawn the plan on a piece of
cardboard, following the planning permission pictures, so the scale was
going to be Very Small (don't ask me how small as I wouldn't even know!
LOL) I'm not that far yet, having only started a few hours ago, but
here are some pictures of what I've done so far:
 My "home-made home-printable" =)
 Tadaa, it's our home!
 The back of the house..
 Making paper walls..
 ..and checking that the size is right..
 Hmmmm.. pom poms are too big for the hedge..
 After a quick painting job..
 Back gardens..
 Our back garden in the middle! |
24 June, 2003: Some pictures of the new toys
in the nursery:
 Brown and pink pom pom teddy
 I'll make a face for that
worm yet.. LOL
 Playing with rainbow felt
 Part 2.. |
23 June, 2003 - 3rd entry: I've just made a
few toys for my dollhouse kids:
 Brown fibre pom pom teddy (still fresh glue..)
 And a pink one for a friend! (Height about 2cm)
 Stuffed toy worm - LOL |
23 June, 2003 - 2nd entry: I had barely
uploaded the first entry for today, when I got a little parcel in the
post. I actually knew to expect it as Marie had told me she'd sent it to
me, but it was much bigger than what I had assumed! And I nearly fainted
when I opened it... Marie was only "meant to" send me some sand, but on
top of that little piece of Bronx, she'd gone mini-shopping big time! LOL
I had to take pictures of it all, so here's what I got:
 12 different colours of rainbow felt!!
 Assorted pom poms - different sizes and colours!
 Easy gold leafing system -kit!
 Another picture of it.. (I'll LOVE this one!)
 Little karate kit!! How cute..
 Another picture of it..
 Two wooden birdhouses!
 Beautiful painted wooden box..
 Another picture of it..
 And it was full of doll hair!! Two colours..
 Lovely French mints in a cute metal container!
 I already have ideas for the container... I think this
is my best ever mini-week so far! LOL |
23 June, 2003: Although I've met lots and lots
of net friends in person since '96 and from lots of countries, I only met
my first ever miniaturist net friend yesterday! Fern (whom I know from the
Roomboxes Yahoo group) is visiting Ireland with her family, and myself and
Daniel went to meet them in Dublin. Fern had brought me sand from Santa
Barbara CA, and from Barrington RI - you can see photos on my sand
page (opens in a new window). We went to Mulligan's (pub) for
pints, and then to a Temple Bar pub/restaurant for dinner, and it was
really nice to meet Fern and her family as well. Before we said goodbye,
we took some pics - you can see them here (new window as well). And as if that hadn't
been excitement enough, I managed to find more mini material on our way
home! We were waiting for the next DART (local train) at Tara Street
station, when a young man sat down next to me on the bench. I spotted he
had a box of Toffifee sweets! I've never seen those sweets in any Irish
shops, but my Finnish miniaturist friends have been hyping about the
Toffifee packages being great material for dollhouse kitchen utensils...
So, naturally I had to ask the man if he'd bought the sweets in Ireland!
LOL Turned out he'd bought them at the airport. I explained to him why I
was so interested (can you just imagine his face.. hehe), and he was kind
enough to give me the useful tray part of the package! Woohoo! (He gave us
Toffifee sweets as well!) If he ever happens to read this: Thanks again!!!
=) Here are some Toffifee pics:
 The tray from the package..
 Close-up of the good part..
 And my first little utensils.. |